What we do
Identify key stakeholders in the community that will be impacted by specific projects. Develop and implement outreach plans that meet the needs of the clients and community. Conduct and develop social surveys for diverse areas of the Austin community, meeting facilitation, creation, design and distribution of outreach materials. Develop executive plans with facilitated focus groups
Pink Consulting can assist with small business plans to expand your business. Assist in developing business cards, brand/logo, marketing tools and website development. Identification of business prospects in local community. We can assist in developing a newsletter, social media and digital trending to take your business to the next level.
Creation and design of collateral material for special events, fundraisers, community events, membership drives, state and annual conferences. Oversight on conference planning, event speakers, sponsor solicitations, pre-conference preparations, travel arrangements, conference coordination and post conference wrap-up. Aquire sponsorships from corporations and community organizations. Conference program development and identifying and enlisting volunteers for your events are all a part of services we provide.
Assist in creating marketing and outreach materials, in house graphic designer, database development, assist with snail mail lists and social media for online marketing.
Pink Consulting has developed a highly successful model to maximize minority participation on multi-million dollar construction projects. Services provided include: development and implementation of minority outreach plan, identification of certified minority contractors & consultants, outreach to contractors/consultants, MBE/WBE/DBE/HUB compliance assistance, monitoring of awarded contracts, identification of additional scopes of work, staging of Pre-Proposal Meetings and Networking Sessions.
As a result of the implementation of this model, there has been a significant increase in the number of minority and women bidders, minority and women contractors bidding as Prime Contractors and an increase in the contracts awarded to minority and women contractors in the central Texas area. Currently Pink Consulting has exceeded City of Austin Minority Participation Goals on 3 major projects.
Assistance with development and editing of all types of communications materials including professional presentations, reports for public and private entities, stories/books for publication, marketing materials, and articles for publication.
English to Spanish and Spanish to English translation provided.